In her most introspective work yet, Halsey bares her soul – detailing her tumultuous life, failed love, emotional pain and hypothetical hope. This is a far...
In 1965 when Roger Daltrey shouted, “I hope I die before I get old,” we never imagined that more than half a century later the remaining...
A quick DREAMERS backstory for the uninitiated. Seattle native Nick Wold moves to New York City to study jazz saxophone at NYU. After graduating he realized...
Clairo at Granada Theater in Dallas, TX – 10/24/2019
Ra Ra Riot at Trees in Dallas, TX – 10/22/2019
Many artists feel the need to step away of a successful band to explore solo work. Phil Collins, Brandon Flowers, Fergie and Sting have all tried...
Talk about trial by fire, The Hunna, have seen it all in short time. In 2016 these British rockers; Ryan Potter, Daniel Dorney, Junate Angin and...